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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here Are The Chickens

We went to the chicken farm, Birdsong Community Farm in Cullman, Alabama last Friday to buy the chickens for our backyard chicken coop and the girls got to pick out (and named) their own chickens that they like. We had a good experience buying the chickens from Joshua, he really knows his chickens, thank you Joshua for your help!

IMG_2625 Abigail picked a Cochin and named her Goldie
IMG_2631 Rebecca picked a Wyandotte and named her Zebree (the chicken looks like a zebra)
IMG_2636 Gabriela picked a New Hampshire Red and named her Chickadee

We picked one for Christiana too and it is the Ameraucana and named her Rusty, because it has a rusty looking color.IMG_2617